Buzz : Rabbit
Produced in September 2005 at The Playhouse, Perth
Created & Directed by Felicity Bott
Choreographed by Felicity Bott in collaboration with Sete Tele and the Dancers
Reheasal Director: Setefano Tele
Co-Writers: Felicity Bott and Monica Maine
Sound Design and Music Composition: Michael O’Brien
Song Composition and Production: Mel Robinson
Performers: Katrina Lazaroff, Paul Blackman, Rachel Usher, Glen Lo and Leanne Mason
Understudy, Indigenous Dance Consultant & Co-collaborator: Simon Stewart
Set & Object Design team: Paul Wakelam & Geoff Green-Armytage|
Costume Production: Anna Serna
Lighting Design :Nicholas Higgins
Theatre Consultant: Monica Maine
Acro Balance consultant: Claudia Alessi