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The Bald Prima Donna | Cape Studios
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The Bald Prima Donna

Produced in January 2003 at Rechabites Hall

Director/Producer: Matt Lutton
Assistant Director: Eamon Flack
Set Designer: Claire Whitely
Lighting Designer: Nicholas Higgins
Sound Design: Hayley Forward & Ian Church
Sound recordist: Dave Keys
Pianist: Chris Foster
Costume Design: Amy Brown
Costume construction: Amber Rhyne
Set Installation: Korin Gath & Tara Daniel
Set Construction: Peter Quinlan, Ross Pember & Greg Moss
Sound Operator: Juliette
Lighting Operator: Simon Lutton
Publicity: Celia Cheffins & Mark Nailer
Graphic Design: Eamon Flack & Daniel Moller
Makeup Alli Browning
Stage Hands: Dana O’Neil & Katy Henderson
Photography: Bohdan Warchomij

The Cast: Rebecca Church, Georgia Clark, Eden Falk, Paul Goddard, Amber Rhyne, Adam Ruile
The Chorus: Hannah Cann, Tara Daniel, Seanne Kinsey, Pamela Konjin, Ellen McCarthy, Carla Nirella

Director’s Notes:
“Why is it that I sense that beauty is less and less recognised? And that we miss the magic that constantly turns around us? Can we not communicate with this side of our world?

The Bald Prima Donna is a theatrical experiment with many purposes, with the primary aim of creating a work that is exciting and magical. Theatre has so many possibilities and in the process of this production I aimed to explore just a few more of these possibilities. To look at the less obvious reading and solution, and not just do what you are supposed to do or what others expect and tell you to do. Not to simply follow the trends of fellow artists, but be bold, and brave. To use a movement Chorus, use images and a heavy music score. To use and create devices sometimes to heighten the text, and other times simply because our impulses said we should.

Inspiration has come from modern directors, from grotesque and absurd theatre, and from the detail of clowning, however the people in the cast are who really create the work. Inspiration has come frm us finding little keys within this amazing piece of writing to open doors to amazing images and ideas. Ioneso has written a classic script that is extremely beautiful., comical and allows for absolute freedom. We have taken that freedom with no shame and enjoyed ourselves in this creative venture.”

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